Tomorrow, Benjamin will be celebrating his 9
th Birthday. He will be having a pizza party at the bowling alley; I'm sure he'll bowl a few strikes too! He did a great job of helping his mother during my first deployment in 2005 when I missed his 7
th birthday.

He's doing an even better job this time around. Being away from our boys is easily the most difficult thing I experience in a combat zone.

It is not only the military and contractors who support us who sacrifice--it is our families back home.

Although it hurts to know our boys are deprived of their fundamental need for Dad--I have hope that the lessons of sacrifice we demonstrate and which they experience will help prepare them for a rich life experience. (It seems extreme, but should Jesus'
admonition--he who loses his life will find it--only apply to adults?)

Well, Benjamin may have thrust upon him difficult experiences that force him to grow up before he's ready--but just to illustrate he's every bit a boy, I am posting here some of my favorite pictures of him enjoying life. Benjamin, we love you. Thank you for reminding us how blessed we are and how beautiful life is.
I was looking for military blogs today. I am an 18 yr old kid going into the Army. I've been trying to follow God with this decision. I haven't signed anything, yet, but I am planning on going to Nashville (I live in Huntsville, Alabama) Tuesday to take my ASVAB. I just thought I would give you kind of a background on me before I commented on your post about your son.
I just want to let you know that I am thankful for men like you. Good fathers. I grew up without a real father. It is really hard. I'm sure your son misses you, but he knows you love him.
I'll be keeping a tab opened for your blog. I'll read as you update. Again, thanks and God Bless you!
Thank you for the feed back; it means more than know. Many of the Soldiers I care for long for father figures. I try to help them see that ultimately, the yearning we all have for our fathers has its satisfaction in a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father. I pray the Lord will guide you in your life's decisions. Should you join the Army, remember it will always be difficult (often in ways you don't expect)--but it is a noble profession. God bless you.
CH Kline
Dearest Chaplain Kline,
Congratulations on Ben's birthday!! You and Dawn are raising such a beautiful family together. I sure do love you and pray for your safety daily. God Bless you on your journey.
Love your little sis,
P.s. I hope you write a book some day but we sure are thankful you keep up on your blog today! Thanks! xo xo xo xo
I am greatful for receiving info about this blog... my husband and I have a strong foundation in the Lord... and I have no doubt you have just been sent to me!!!!
I really need to speak with you... when you have the time...
Thank You!!!
God Bless!!!
Thank you, Chaplain.
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